Seoul – South KOREA

Seoul_ 16/17/18 tháng  9/2013 _

Leica M6 TTL Kodadcolor  200 +15mm/4.5 Voigtlander VII
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Posted in REPORTAGE-Phóng Sự by with 8 comments.


  • Stunnning quest there. What happened after? Good luck!

    • daymadi-T says:

      Go further with me to visit another countries !
      Thank-you for comming to the site .

  • Song says:

    You made me regretted i didn’t go to check the Leica shops in Seoul.
    Anyway… your Leica M3 Black Paint still so attractive. :D
    This gallery is very beautiful too, I hope i have a chance to shoot more like before.

    • daymadi-T says:

      You’ll surelly find out a Bkack-paint M3 at Chungmoo-roo In Seoul !
      Good luck !

  • Trang says:

    Remarquable reportage au M comme d’habitude anh Tuyên , bravo !
    Séoul en couleur et N&B, c’est chouette et donne vraiment envie d’y être, surtout pour faire des courses dans ce diabolique quartier photo ! Amitiés

  • 로마의 휴일 says:

    I’ve got your e-mail today morning.
    How has the World been tour you since the last time.
    I hope good experiens about yourself. You have no idea how wonderful I was to recieve a message for the first time from someone living in a foreign country peaple.
    Are you back to your country safety…?
    I will be try to be good your friend. I hope be happy if you can be my friend.
    Are you back to seoul korea again?
    Please visit me in korea again as soon as or someday. I will show you the sights of seoul and near by outskirts in seoul.
    if you are able to come to korea any time. I will extend to you with your family my warmest hosepitality.

    • daymadi-T says:

      Thank you for your nice feeling!
      I’ll be happy to come back very soon to this charming and welcoming city.


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